Welcome to EEE. The story of two musicians from the city of Brotherly Love, who have decided to turn their personal conversations about life, strife, happiness and all that goes with it, into a journey of sound. One on piano. One on guitar. Emotions, calm and tranquil, an unforeseen moment turns into what can be described as a growling pivot to a clearly different musical point of view. It’s a powerful moment when the listener’s energy AND the duo on stage experience a collective artistic conversation.
They both have that homegrown Philly feel for music. Be it Jazz, gritty Funk or “Space is the Place”, all of it was part of their musical childhood which they both developed into unique, separate musical personalities and careers. There’s also a delicately beautiful side to this duo that is just pure and simply put, pretty. Their soon-to-be-released recording has a dream like quality…colors put to music. Yes, bring back the “Pretty.” I’m just saying…
Kevin Eubanks: guitarist, poet, speaker, hopeful that the planet is forgiving and allows us to reinvent ourselves as human beings. A gifted versatility allows for a spherical approach, live and recorded music. Opening Night, Spirit Talk 1&2, Shadow Prophets, Music Director for the Tonight Show w/Jay Leno. Honorary doctorates: Berklee College of Music and Redlands University. Curious? Go ahead… check it out.
Orrin Evans: pianist, composer, teacher, passionate about helping people through the power of artistry in various forms. An independent mind has led him to continuously release poignant recordings on his label Imani Records, led the Grammy nominated Captain Black Big Band, co-led the nerve-rattling collective trio Tarbaby. And yes of course, there’s more. Go deeper… you know what to do.